Positive Country 103.7 Calendar
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Clean Comedy with Free Shrugs Improv
Saturday 2/8/2025 7:00:00 PM - 2 Hours
Research shows people who laugh together have stronger relationships, so bring the ones you love to Clean Comedy with Free Shrugs Improv! Come ready with your suggestions for an evening of fun and laughter you won't soon forget! Doors at 6:00 pm. Show at 7:00 pm. $5 admission at the door. All ages are welcome at this family friendly event.
1284 N Cedar St, Mason, MI 48854 (Map)
https://www.facebook.com/FreeShrugsImprov | freeshrugsimprov@gmail.com | 517-321-4566 (Dial) (Share)
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Taco Dinner Fundraiser
Thursday 2/13/2025 6:00:00 PM - 1 Hours
A delicious Taco Dinner fundraiser will be served from 6-7:30pm for dine in or takeout. All-you-can-eat tacos, refried beans, rice, guacamole, beverages, and ice cream. $10 per adult; $9 per senior citizen age 60+, $5 per child under 10 years. Everyone is welcome. No reservation necessary.
2727 West Holmes Road, Lansing, MI 48911 (Map)
http://redeemerlansing.com | janhite@sbcglobal.net | 517-882-8000 (Dial) (Share)
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Maegan's world-Family Event
Friday 2/21/2025 6:30:00 PM - 1 Hours
We are excited to enter Maegan's World on February 21! Maegan loves using creativity to point back to our Creator. She blends puppetry, ventriloquism, live painting, and audience interaction for an engaging experience fit for all ages. This event is designed to engage people with the Gospel and encourage kids (and adults!)
5250 Cornerstone Dr, Lansing MI 48917 (Map)
https://southlife.org/ | satchison@southlife.org | 517-322-2000 (Dial) (Share)
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B.o.B Sportsman's Banquet
Saturday 2/22/2025 4:30:00 PM - 4 Hours
Get ready for the 17th annual B.o.B. Sportsman's Banquet - an exotic wild game dinner, sportsman's raffles, and a story of redemption by notorious New York mob boss turned motivational powerhouse, Michael Franzese. This men's wild game dinner is going to be a night "you can't refuse". Located at The Naz in Brighton, tickets online at bobbanquet.com
7669 Brighton Rd, Brighton, MI 48116 (Map)
https://bobbanquet.com | jason@thenaz.org | 5173753486 (Dial) (Share)
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Why Does God Allow Evil?
Thursday 2/27/2025 7:00:00 PM - 2 Hours
Have you ever wondered why an all-loving God would allow evil and suffering? If so, this talk is for you. Many have struggled with this, and our goal is to help you make sense of this complex issue. Join us for an enlightening evening of food, discussion, and hope. God bless!
2258 E. Highland Rd. Howell Mi. 48843 (Map)
https://howellbible.org/events/ | esl8185@yahoo.com | (517) 902-8528 (Dial) (Share)
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Mac Powell benefit concert
Thursday 2/27/2025 7:30:00 PM - 2 Hours
Mac Powell, former lead singer of Third Day, in concert to benefit Safe Families for Children/SW Michigan - Feb 27th at Centerpoint Church, in Kalamazoo. Tickets are $25, which includes a coffee bar & dessert. Get details at www.SWMSafeFamilies.org. Safe Families for Children supports children & families who have nowhere to turn when facing crisis.
2345 North 10th Street, Kalamazoo, MI (Map)
http://www.swmsafefamilies.org | mjevert@safefamilies.net | 269-217-3620 (Dial) (Share)
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David Phelps (The Speak of Love Tour)
Friday 2/28/2025 7:00:00 PM - 2 Hours
The David Phelps Speak of Love Tour: David's won 12 Dove Awards with the Gaither Vocal Band. Phelps is an American Christian music vocalist, songwriter, vocal arranger, and producer. Doors open at 6pm. Brought to you by South Church Lansing.
5250 Cornerstone Dr, Lansing, MI 48917 (Map)
https://southlife.org/event/david-phelps-concert/ | Info@southlife.org | 517-322-2000 (Dial) (Share)
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Lansing City-Wide Revival
Friday 2/28/2025 8:00:00 PM - 24 Hours
Inspired by Gather 25, a global day of prayer, the Lansing City-Wide Revival is a collaboration of ALL people from ALL Denominations joining together for worship, prayer & messages from the Word of God. This event will be held at the KM Center in Lansing. You are invited to come and pray over our city, our nation & our people. Please join us!
3000 W. Miller Rd Lansing, MI (Map)
https://www.lansingcitywiderevival.com/ | lansingcitywiderevival@gmail.com | 517-648-7523 (Dial) (Share)
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Gather 25
Saturday 3/1/2025 9:00:00 AM - 5 Hours
Trinity Church will be hosting a virtual broadcast of Gather 25 from 9am to 2pm on Saturday, March 1st at 3355 Dunckel Rd Lansing, MI 48911 Registration will be open February 1st at wearetrinity.com https://www.gather25.com/
Trinity Church (Map)
| angela.clark-pohlod@wearetrinity.com | 517-272-3820 (Dial) (Share)
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Elevation Nights Tour!
Sunday 3/2/2025 6:00:00 PM - 4 Hours
Are you ready for a fantastic night of Worship and Praise?? Elevation Worship and Steven Furtick are coming to Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, MI. for a show you absolutely do NOT want to miss!! Join us March 2, 2025 at LCA. Info and tickets at elevationnights.com. See you there!
2645 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201 (Map)
http://elevationnights.com | elevationnights.com | (Dial) (Share)
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True Girl Crazy Hair Tour!!
Thursday 3/6/2025 6:00:00 PM - 3 Hours
Is your daughter prepared to stand up for her faith and be totally crazy for Jesus? Being crazy for Jesus means saying "NO" to the crowd. We've created the True Girl Crazy Hair Tour to empower your daughter to courageously be who God made her to be and not who the world wants her to be.
6434 Richfield Rd, Flint, MI 48506 (Map)
https://store.purefreedom.org/tc-events/emmanuel-church-flint-mi-crazy-hair-tour/?source= | | (Dial) (Share)
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Clean Comedy with Free Shrugs Improv
Saturday 3/15/2025 7:00:00 PM - 2 Hours
Get ready to experience a night of fun and laughter like never before with Free Shrugs Improv! Join us for Clean Comedy at Building Twentyone in Mason. The content is safe because it’s based on your suggestions! Doors at 6:00 pm. Show at 7:00 pm. Admission is still just $5 at the door. Everyone is welcome at this family friendly event.
1284 N Cedar St, Mason, MI 48854 (Map)
https://www.facebook.com/FreeShrugsImprov | freeshrugsimprov@gmail.com | 517-321-4566 (Dial) (Share)
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Healing the Wounds of Trauma
Monday 3/31/2025 6:30:00 PM - 2 Hours
Mason First Church of the Nazarene • A Group for Bible-based trauma healing • A program from the Trauma Healing Institute This healing group uses the proven and time-tested model of the Trauma Healing Institute at American Bible Society. Six 2-Hour sessions:March 31, April 7, April 14, April 21, NO CLASS April 28, May 5, May 12
1706 W. Dansville Rd., Mason, MI 48854 (Map)
https://masonnaz.com/ | linda.pierce64@yahoo.com | (517)927-8422 (Dial) (Share)
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True Girl Crazy Hair Tour!!
Thursday 4/3/2025 6:00:00 PM - 3 Hours
Is your daughter prepared to stand up for her faith and be totally crazy for Jesus? Being crazy for Jesus means saying "NO" to the crowd. We've created the True Girl Crazy Hair Tour to empower your daughter to courageously be who God made her to be and not who the world wants her to be.
303 Monroe Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI (Map)
https://store.purefreedom.org/tc-events/devos-place-convention-center-grand-rapids-mi-crazy-hair-tour/?source= | | (Dial) (Share)
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Women's retreat
Saturday 4/5/2025 10:30:00 AM - 4 Hours
Women's Spring Retreat Guest speaker: Amy Bouwman, Reverend, Author, International Speaker and founder of "For His Glory Ministries". Join the women of Mason Naz and the Mason community as we discuss the Power of Prayer as you call on the Lord. Saturday April 5, 10:30-2 415 E Maple St., Mason, Mi Suggested donation $10 lunch included.
415 E Maple St Mason. Mi (Map)
http://www.masonnaz.org | | (517) 676-5680 (Dial) (Share)
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Clean Comedy with Free Shrugs Improv
Saturday 4/12/2025 7:00:00 PM - 2 Hours
Need a little spring in your step? Hop on over to Building Twentyone in Mason for Clean Comedy with Free Shrugs Improv! Come ready with your suggestions for an evening of fun and laughter you won’t soon forget! Doors at 6:00 pm. Show at 7:00 pm. Admission is still just $5 at the door. Everyone is welcome at this family friendly event.
1284 N Cedar St, Mason, MI 48854 (Map)
https://www.facebook.com/FreeShrugsImprov | freeshrugsimprov@gmail.com | 517-321-4566 (Dial) (Share)
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Clean Comedy with Free Shrugs Improv
Saturday 5/10/2025 7:00:00 PM - 2 Hours
Last regular show until September! Free Shrugs Improv has got just what you need with the MOM APPROVED Clean Comedy show! Get ready to laugh at hilarious scenes and family friendly games based on your suggestions! Doors at 6:00 pm. Show at 7:00 pm. $5 admission at the door. Everyone is welcome at this family friendly event.
1284 N Cedar St, Mason, MI 48854 (Map)
https://www.facebook.com/FreeShrugsImprov | freeshrugsimprov@gmail.com | 517-321-4566 (Dial) (Share)