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Positive Country 103.7
Current Conditions Bad Axe, MI 21° Humidity: 66%
103.7 Bad Axe

Positive Country 103.7 Calendar

Add your event

Positive Country 103.7 Calendar Policy

At Positive Country, we will gladly promote events for FREE for Non-Profit organizations such as community organizations, ministries, schools and churches. Once you submit your event it will generally show up on our website within a few days. Limit 5 event submissions per month. Be sure to include all information (including area code, address, city and state), check for spelling errors and irregular capitalization (including all "CAPS") to avoid delays. Also, please do not repeat details in the "description" field that have already been listed in the other fields.

What we cannot offer: At this time we cannot list events for For-Profit businesses or regular service times for churches. Special one-time church events are welcome. Positive Country reserves the right to edit or reject any announcements submitted. We do NOT accept announcements via fax, e-mail or phone.

What if I need to have it mentioned on the radio? Call us 855-411-1037 x4 to purchased advertising.

What if I really, really need my event to stand out? We can help you with a PAID Featured Calendar listing. A Featured Calendar listing is $99 and must be submitted at least 10 days prior to your event. The Featured listing may run up to 4 weeks prior to the event. You can also contact our sales staff below for our broadcast rates. Call 855-411-1037 for more information.

Example: Benefit Dinner (40 Characters Max.) Start Time Of Event: Length Of Event (Hours):

Address & Street, City, State/Province (Do NOT include Venue Name)Example: email@your.netExample: (810)555-0000 (No Letters In Phone!)

Non-Profit Event (valid 501C3, government or church)